Lectures prepared by Roger L. Bertholf, Ph.D. These lectures are Microsoft Power Point Show (.pps) files, and some are quite large (> 1 Mb), so downloading over a modem connection may take several minutes. Once a lecture has downloaded, you can cycle through the slides using the right arrow, left mouse click, or page-down buttons. To end a presentation, click the "previous page" or "back" button on your browser's toolbar.

If you do not have Microsoft Power Point installed on your computer, you will have to download PowerPoint Viewer to load and view these presentations. This free application can be downloaded from the Microsoft web site--to go there, click on this link. The download file size is approximately 2.8 Mb, and may require about 15 minutes to download over a 28.8K modem.

Introduction to Laboratory Medicine (33 slides, 461 Kb)

Statistics for Laboratorians (220 slides, 1.22 Mb)
(printer-friendly version)

Review of Analytical Methods--Spectrophotometry (74 slides, 821 Kb)

Review of Analytical Methods--Electrochemistry (40 slides, 387 Kb)

Immunochemical Methods (93 slides, 1.08 Mb)

Proteins and Electrophoresis (47 slides, 261 Kb)

Lipids and Lipoproteins (47 slides, 376 Kb)

Renal Function and Cardiac Markers (80 slides, 1.24 Mb)

Thyroid (25 slides, 693 Kb)

Fertility and Tumor Markers (72 slides, 1.51 Mb)

Clinical and Forensic Toxicology (77 slides, 2.08 Mb)

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (43 slides, 283 Kb)

Forensic Toxicology: Screening (48 slides, 731 Kb)

Forensic Toxicology: Confirmation (59 slides, 2.10 Mb)

Neonatal Cocaine Testing (28 slides, 473 Kb)

Molecular-Imprinted Polymers (13 slides, 632 Kb)

GI Tumor Markers (22 slides, 348 Kb)

HAMA interference with CA-125 Immunoassay (17 slides, 260 Kb)

Human Subjects Protection (23 slides, 311 Kb)

Research Ethics (41 slides, 631 Kb)

Medical Errors: Causes and Prevention (66 slides, 928 Kb)


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